Next Generation

Our International network has over 3,000 NxG members in over 50 countries.
Who is a Next Generation (NxG)?
A Next Generation (NxG) is a member of a family business, who is or will be the owner of their family business, and is between the ages of 18 to 40 years old. Various studies have shown that only 15% of family businesses survive the third generation of ownership, and often lack leadership talent for subsequent generations. In recognition of these unique succession challenges, FBN and various FBN associations offer Next Generation programs tailored to address the NxG development needs.
Through FBCG and the FBN network, we provide a unique and secure place to:
- Learn from leading experts and entrepreneurs from all over the globe
- Identify mentors among world-class family businesses
- Meet with NxG peers and share experiences
- Build up a social network
How can the NxG get involved in the FBN community?
Our international network has over 1,600 NxG members in over 50 countries. We highly encourage active participation of our NxG members. There are several ways the NxG can get benefit and get involved:
- NxG Global Summit | NxG Global Summit is exclusively for the NxG members of FBN held every year in different FBN association locations. For more information on the Next Generation, you may visit the FBN NxG Page
- NxG Events | FBCG has launched regional networking events and workshops dedicated to GCC NxGen Members.
- NxG Committee and NxG Leader | NxG Committee are a group of NxG members who conceptualize, plan and implement the NxG activities. NxG members can apply to join the committee, and apply for position of NxG Leader, who participate in the Board as well.
To ensure greater participation from GCC next generation, FBCG has developed a special introductory membership tier available for a next generation family member who would like to join our community. For any enquiries about membership and specific Next Generation benefits, please contact